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Round 2 of 6 - Prior to lung surgery

Well, round 1 was rough with the nausea. The Zofran didn't do enough and I hadn't picked up more prochlorperazine or the cannabis. So I was miserable for days. I also had headaches and it always messes with my stomach and even drinking water made me nauseous for days so a few days I got maybe 4-6 oz of water in. 

But the cold sensitivity wasn't as strong last cycle. I managed to still have smoothies a couple of days in which gave me more fluids and my smoothies are more nutrient dense. I did have to drink them very slowly over a couple of hours to warm each sip up in my mouth before swallowing. This time around the throat is more sensitive so I'm going to wait another day or 2 before attempting a smoothie, if I attempt it at all. Right now, drinking room temp water too fast is very uncomfortable but I can still warm it in my mouth before swallowing it. At some point, I may not be able to do that because my mouth itself will also get pins & needles with cool things.

I have been able to drink some water. Last round I put a new filter in my fridge and it did help the taste of the water some but not enough though honestly for most people, my water is decent. I'm even picky about different bottled waters when I'm nauseous. So, I bought some Smart Water this time (though i hate buying bottled waters) and I can tolerate the taste even when I am nauseous. So that's helping me get more fluids in.

This time around, I'm skipping the Zofran and trying a combination of Prochlorperazine, Dexamethasone (2mg in the morning days 2-4) and cannabis chewable gels for the breakthrough nausea. I am also going to try to make brownies with the tincture. I have individual brownie pans so I can measure out the dose per brownie.

As far as cold sensitivity goes, definitely felt some in my throat last week and more this round. My hands felt slightly more sensitive to cold last roung but that has definitely increased this round but no pins & needles yet.

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